EDUOPEN: Dashboard

Corsi : 38
Pathway : 4
Docenti e Tutor : 49
Studenti : 28624
Certificati : 16206
Università di Foggia
Via A.Gramsci 89/91, Foggia
The University of Foggia was founded by decree of the Ministry of University and Research on 5th August 1999. The young and dynamic university offers innovative proposals at training and research levels: teaching in step with the territorial requirements, applied local research projects, internationalization, cultural events and innovation strategies.
The six Departments (“Sciences of Agriculture, Food and Environment”, “Economics”, “Law”, “Humanities. Arts, Cultural Heritage, Sciences of Education”, “Clinical and Experimental Medicine”, “Medical and Surgical Sciences”) make the University of Foggia a cultural centre in which young people can acquire professional training that meets the needs of the society of knowledge.
Corsi Archiviati
Docenti e Tutor

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. Lettere, Beni culturali, Scienze della formazione