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- Corsi in cui Insegno
Università di Genova
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Eugenia Macchiavello is Assistant Professor in Banking Law and Financial Regulation at the University of Genoa and Academic Fellow of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Finance (EuSFIL, www.eusfil.eu) at the same University. She has been teaching banking law and supervising theses in the same area since 2013, obtaining the Italian license as Associate Professor in Economic Law in October 2018. Since 2021, she has been supervisor of Ph.D. candidates in the area of Sustainable Finance Regulation and Academic Board member of the first nation-wide transdisciplinary Ph.D. in Sustainable development and Climate Change in Italy (IUSS Pavia in partnership with more than other 30 Italian Universities). Before joining the University of Genova, she has been a visiting Fellow at the NYU Center of Financial Institution and certified attorney-at-law in Italy in the area of company law, banking and investment contracts and civil law. Eugenia earned a JD (laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza, advanced degree in law) summa cum laude from the University of Genoa in 2006, a Ph.D. in Corporate Governance in 2011 from the same University and a LL.M. in 2010 from the New York University School of Law, receiving many merit-based scholarships and awards. She has participated in several nationally and internationally-relevant research projects. Eugenia has intensively presented at conferences and been invited as guest lecturer at national and foreign Universities, especially for her expertise in the area of fintech regulation, alternative finance and sustainable banking and finance. She is author of the first book on microfinance regulation in Europe from a comparative law and multi-disciplinary perspective (Microfinance and Financial Inclusion. The Challenge of Regulating Alternative Forms of Finance, Routledge, 2018) and of more than fifty journal articles and book chapters in the areas of financial regulation and business law, in particular on her current research interests: Fintech, alternative and inclusive finance regulation as well as sustainable finance. Eugenia is a member of the Italian Association of Professors in Economic Law (ADDE) and of the Associated Researchers Group (ARG) of the European Banking Institute (EBI) as well as participant to the Italian Capital Markets Authority (Consob) Working Group on FinTech as well as editorial member and referee for renowned book editors and Journals. She is a and fluent in Italian (mother tongue), English, French and Spanish.
Università di Genova
Introduction to Sustainability, Sustainable Finance and the role of Law
- 4 Ore
- 1 Lug 2021
- Non impostato
Università di Genova
Sustainability in the EU Company and Financial Law
- 16 Ore
- 26 Apr 2022
- 31 Dic 2023
Università di Genova
Sustainability in the EU Company and Financial Law (2024 ed.)
- 16 Ore
- 1 Feb 2024
- Non impostato
Dettagli dell'utente
Eugenia Macchiavello
Università di Genova
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Città /Località
Attività di autenticazione
Primo accesso al sitomercoledì, 26 maggio 2021, 15:55 (3 anni 265 giorni)
Ultimo accesso al sitomercoledì, 23 ottobre 2024, 10:23 (114 giorni 19 ore)
Indirizzo IP più recente151.83.176.138