Sustainability in the EU Company and Financial Law (2024 ed.)
Introduzione al Corso
The EU legal framework for Sustainable finance is continuously evolving at a fast pace. This second edition of the EUSFIL MOOC “Sustainability in the EU Company and Financial Law” presents updated videos, material and activities to help social sciences’ master students and postgraduates’ students as well as all interested persons to navigate such new evolving and fundamental framework.
The course, developed by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on EU Sustainable Finance and Law (EUSFIL), aims to provide participants with all basic notions and instruments to understand and discuss current development and trends in the integration of sustainability in the EU company and financial law, while providing several opportunities to dive deeper. As the frameworks are still evolving and include aspects from different legal and economic fields (European Law, Company Law, Banking Law, Financial Markets Regulation etc.), the course will contribute at stimulating the audience to discuss the most challenging issues concerning such a framework from different points of view. Moreover, the course will has been one of the first in the EU explicitly targeting the sustainable finance regulatory framework.
Tecnologia, Design e Ingegneria
Ore di Formazione16
Modalità CorsoAutoapprendimento
Durata4 Settimane
Stato del CorsoAuto apprendimento
Agenda del Corso
Avvio Iscrizioni
Apertura Corso
Chiusura Corso
Risultati Attesi
The course aims to provide participants with all basic notions and instruments to understand and discuss current development and trends in the integration of sustainability in the EU company and financial law, while providing several opportunities to dive deeper.Pre-requisiti
Libri di testo e letture consigliate
You can find the materials within the course.Formato del corso
16 short video-modules along with documents to go a little bit more in depth. A final quiz based on the video material is at the participant's disposal for validation of the course.Regole per ottenere gli Attestati e sostenere gli Esami
Attestato di Partecipazione
You can earn the Attendance Certificate by watching the included video-lectures, taking a look at the in depth documents and completing the final test. Completion to the required grade (8/12) of the final quiz is required.