English Grammar for Food & Health
Questo Corso è parte del
Pathway in Innovazione didattica e CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
Pathway in B2-English Language level training
Introduzione al Corso
This course focuses on topics related to food and health and some grammatical and syntactic rules. More in particular, this course is divided into 4 sections: Food, Articles and Expressions of Quantity, Health, Diseases and Treatments, and Relative Clauses.The [MOOC] is part of the "B2-English Language level training" pathway of the 1st level University Master in "Didactic innovation and CLIL”, organized by the University of Foggia for the academic year. 2017/2018 -master is not active
Non sono rilasciati cfu o altre attestazioni diverse da quelle indicate.
Scienze Umane
Ore di Formazione36
Modalità CorsoTutoraggio
Durata6 Settimane
Stato del CorsoTutoraggio Soft
Agenda del Corso
Avvio Iscrizioni
Apertura Corso
Inizio Tutoraggio
Fine Tutoraggio
Tutoraggio Soft
Chiusura Corso
Risultati Attesi
- to comprehend and recognize the topics being studied (whether they are related to terminology, grammatical rules, reading or listening activities)
- to apply what exposed to in the form of sentences, short paragraphs or activities of different types.
The attendants to this course should have at least an intermediate level of English (B1).Libri di testo e letture consigliate
The following textbook is strongly suggested:Guy Brook-Hart. Complete First second edition. Student’s pack with answers with CD-ROM, Class Audio CDs (2). Cambridge University Press, UK. 2014. Codice ISBN 13: 9781107698352
Moreover, additional learning material will be provided.
Formato del corso
The course is based on online video lessons, interactive teaching activities and individual study. At the beginning of some sections the students are given warm-up and/or brainstorming activities, or they are asked to share their own opinion on the discussion forum in order to introduce the topic being studied. Moreover, throughout the course some self-assessment activities are scheduled. Finally, some peer-to-peer activities and webinar are scheduled as well.Regole per ottenere gli Attestati e sostenere gli Esami
Attestato di Partecipazione
The certificate of attendance will be issued after participating in all the learning activities and completing with positive results the assessment activities included in the course.