EDUOPEN: Dashboard
Identification of prior experiential learning to validate and certificate competences
Language: Italiano
Category: Computer and Data Sciences
Duration: 80 Hours
Attendance: Free
Sep 1
Jan 30
This pathway, proposed by RUIAP — Italian University Net for Lifelong Learning — with the collaboration of the University of Ferrara, focuses on the acquisition of basic knowledge identifying the acquired experiential knowledge inside not-formal or informal contexts and the legislative/administrative procedures for their validation and certification as competences. The pathway is organized into five modular courses in relation to one’s pursued educational objects. These five courses are also autonomous because of the suggested knowledge and therefore can be attended and certificated separately. The pathway deals with five problems related to the European Recommendations on Lifelong Learning, that the Italian low acknowledged beginning from the law 92/2012 about the labour market reform: Adult education with a view of lifelong learning and approaches to competences (1st Course); Principles, methods and techniques of counselling, individual or group guidance and intermediation for the validation of competences (2nd Course); Methods and instruments to identify and formalize the experiential knowledge as Skills Audit, portfolio/dossier, EQF – Educational Qualification Framework and NQF – National qualification Framework (3rd Course); European and national politics, legislation and practices for the identification, validation and certification of experiential knowledge (4th Course); Organization and management of the acknowledgment, validation and certification inside different educational contexts: regions and vocational training, School and adult education, University and lifelong learning services, Enterprises – P.A. and continuing education (5th Course). Each of the five courses is composed of 12 video lessons: three for every four learning units. These units are committed to prestigious teachers and Italian and foreign experts. So, the whole pathway is composed of 60 video lessons, with 20 syllabuses committed to as many teachers. Each course can be certificate with 4 ECTS and the whole pathway with 20 ECTS by an on line tutor assisted forum and an examination in presence. It can be used as part of the blended Master with 60 ECTS in "Expert in guidance for the identification of competences and the validation of prior experiential learning", opened by one of the 30 Universities that agree to RUIAP. -
Degree Details
Certificato verificato presso la RUIAP -
Background and Requirements
Il percorso è accessibile a tutti. Non sono richiesti specifici prerequisiti. -
Struttura del Percorso
Il Percorso è articolato in cinque Corsi modulari rispetto agli obiettivi formativi perseguiti, ma autonomi per le conoscenze proposte e quindi frequentabili e certificabili separatamente. Ognuno dei cinque Corsi è composto da 12 video-lezioni: tre per quattro unità didattiche, affidate a prestigiosi docenti ed esperti italiani e stranieri. Il Percorso completo raccoglie, quindi, 60 video-lezioni con 20 insegnamenti tenuti da altrettanti docenti. -
Ogni Corso può essere certificato con 4 CFU, così come l’intero Percorso con 20 CFU, previa partecipazione ad attività di forum on line assistita da tutor ed esame in presenza, e può essere utilizzato come parte del Master blended di 60 CFU in "Esperto nell’accompagnamento al riconoscimento delle competenze e alla validazione degli apprendimenti pregressi", attivato da uno dei 30 Atenei aderenti alla RUIAP.Per maggiori informazioni e per l'attivazione delle procedure di iscrizione, vai a questo link:
Course List
University of Ferrara
Educazione degli adulti, lifelong learning e approcci per competenze
- 16 Hours
- Sep 1, 2016
- Jan 30, 2017
University of Ferrara
Counselling e accompagnamento per l’individuazione delle competenze
- 16 Hours
- Sep 1, 2016
- Jan 30, 2017
University of Ferrara
Metodi e strumenti di identificazione dei saperi esperienziali
- 16 Hours
- Sep 1, 2016
- Jan 30, 2017
University of Ferrara
Politiche europee e nazionali per la validazione degli apprendimenti pregressi
- 16 Hours
- Sep 1, 2016
- Jan 30, 2017
University of Ferrara
Organizzazione dei servizi di convalida e certificazione delle competenze
- 16 Hours
- Sep 1, 2016
- Jan 30, 2017