Introduction to R
Part of the
Pathway in Softwares for economic data analysis and representation: QGis, R, Stata
About the Course
This course provides an introduction to R software. It is designed to students who have no experience with R and intend to develop gradually the knowledge of software. The aim is to provide the fundamental concepts and be able to make the autonomous elaborations. The course is divided into four Sections, each consisting of 3 lessons. The first Section deals with general concepts underlying the use of the R software and defines the commands for the generation of simple objects such as vectors. The second section illustrates the functions for the preparation of matrices and for the transformation and evolution of some objects. In addition, the functions for importing databases of different formats into R are defined. In the third Section all the commands for database processing and, therefore, for the recoding of variables, for the generation of dummies, factors, for the functions of reordering, merge, etc. are explained in detail. Finally, in the final section are presented the functions for the generation of graphics and their customization.Computer and Data Sciences
Training hours8
Course ModeSelf Paced
Duration4 weeks
Course StatusSelf Pacement
Course Agenda
Enrollments Start
Course Opens
Course Closes
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired knowledge related to:- download and presentation of the software;
- preliminary concepts and simple functions;
- vectors;
- matrices;
- matrix-database conversions;
- importing data from various formats;
- data processing: rename, recode, missing, sort, merge, subset;
- factor and dummy;
- descriptive statistics;
- graphical parameters;
- types of graphs;
- graphic examples.
Background and Requirements
The course is aimed at students who have no experience with R software and want to develop their knowledge of the software gradually. A minimum knowledge of English is required (to understand the names of the commands as well as the guides and help functions).Textbooks
- R in Action (Kabacoff, 2011), available online at:;
- R manuals, official website, available at:;
- Official R and RStudio forums.
Course Format
The teacher presents the topics in recorded online lessons using slides and script files. The material provided by the teacher includes slides, scripts with the functions seen during the lesson, exercises on which students can practice and their solutions.Certificates and Exam rules
Attendance Certificate
You can obtain the Certificate of Attendance by completing the assessment tests present in the course (you must answer correctly to 7/10 questions for each section).