Archeoschool for the future: even stones speak (9th ed.)
About the Course
The main objective is to determine a conscious linguistic sensibility that can consider multilingualism a precious resource rather than a barrier; ”Linguistic sensitibility" allows you to develop the ability:
- to analyze your own language;
- to actively translate other foreign languages;
- to learn the history of languages;
- to reflect on the common linguistic structures among the Indo-European languages;
- to enhance the dimension of multilingualism;
- to think about the role of the languages of the present and of the past;
- to understand the historical-social and political importance of the active use of languages (as an expression tool for civic coexistence).
The course aims to provide basic elements of four European languages (Italian, Spanish, Catalan and Modern Greek). It aims to enhance European multilingualism and to raise students' awareness of the historical importance of languages and their evolution.
The Mooc provides some reflections on the role of vehicular languages and the historical and cultural function of Greek and Latin in the Mediterranean, languages of culture, trade, expansionist languages, languages of power and exchange. It is divided into three units: a first (introductory in five different sections); a descriptive second (in Greek); a third one with linguistic teaching units with identical texts and exercises in the 4 languages proposed.
‘‘Even stones speak’’ has been conceived as a useful tool for providing basic elements of four European languages (Italian, Spanish, Catalan and Modern Greek). First of all, we try to combine Archaeological and Linguistic Heritage with an impact of the new generation in front of the past, the present of every day life and the future. So, the principal arguments of our MOOC are the basic analysis of the spoken languages of three Mediterranean countries and the basic knowledge of their archaeological sites, history and culture.
Moreover, the online course creates a dialogue between students, teachers and families and can offer the opportunity to others to come in contact with the target languages and the various archaeological sites. Furthermore, the students become aware of the fact that safeguarding our historical and archaeological heritage and environment as well as defending multilingualism plays a vital role both in the present and in the future.
One of the main objectives of the MOOC is to present multilingualism as a precious resource and to encourage students to reflect on themselves and on the others. In fact, MOOC outlines the basic knowledge of languages (even ancient greek and latin) as it helps to understand not only our language and our history, but also other languages and the “others” and it makes students think about the role that ancient Greek and Latin had in the past as English has today.
Arts and Humanities
Training hours7
Course ModeSelf Paced
Duration2 weeks
Course StatusPre-enrolling
Course Agenda
Enrollments Start
Course Opens
Course Closes
Learning outcomes
Basic skills in multilingualism and vehicular languages. Basic linguistic skills in 4 European modern languages (Italian, Catalan, Spanish and Greek), and mention about Latin and ancient Greek as vehicular languages in the Mediterranean. Awareness about the relationship between different languages, combining Archaeological and Linguistic Heritage.Background and Requirements
No requirements.Textbooks
- Multilingualism: “Multilinguismo e insegnamento delle lingue in Europa”, in Annali della Pubblica Istruzione, 4/5, Le Monnier, Firenze 2008 (available on line);
- Teaching of languages: “La didattica delle lingue nel terzo millennio. Le sfide dell’internazionalizzazione”, by Carmel Mary Coonan, Ada Bier, Elena Ballarin, Studi e ricerche 13, Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2018 (available on line); “Teaching modern languages on ancient roots. Anche le pietre parlano”, a cura di Caterina Carpinato, con la collaborazione di T. Bovo, E. Galani, E. Liosatou, A. Carbò Molven, E. Mescalchin, K. Tsoumaka, Studi e ricerche 15, Venezia, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari 2018.
- Modern Greek: Mariangela Cerigliano Tsoroula, Ευχαριστώ Ελλάδα, vol. 1, Milano, Hoepli, 2017; Cristiano Luciani, Cristiana Petriacci, Corso di greco moderno, Roma, Universitalia 2018.
Course Format
The course is divided into 2 Sections that include videolectures, forums and assessment tests.Certificates and Exam rules
Attendance Certificate
You can earn Attendance Certificate by completing all the included video-lessons and the final tests of each section, answering correctly to minimum 70% of questions.