[CAPSTONE] Growing smarter for a greener tomorrow: FarmBox’s MOOC on Climate Smart Agriculture
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Pathway in Growing smarter for a greener tomorrow: FarmBox’s MOOC on Climate Smart Agriculture
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Around 22.2 million people work regularly in agriculture, but the farming sector needs to attract a new generation of farmers with the necessary skills to live and work in a challenging context. They will have to produce more efficiently while protecting the environment; contribute to the fight against climate change; meet society's demands regarding healthy and balanced diets; and keep up with increasingly rapid scientific and technological progress. It is therefore essential that future farmers benefit from adequate agricultural education and training and acquire the various skills needed to adapt to a changing environment. FarmBox’s MOOC is aimed at improving the development of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) skills for students and farmers for the green transition to a nature-positive, climate-resilient, carbon-neutral.Scienze
Ore di Formazione33
Modalità CorsoAutoapprendimento
Durata1 Settimane
Stato del CorsoAuto apprendimento
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