Innovation for the Energy & Climate Transition
Introduzione al Corso
Climate change is a rising political priority for European citizens. In the fight against climate change, innovation is key to help develop the clean energy solutions to produce, consume and move differently.
To understand the challenges of the EU innovation policies in the energy transition, the Jacques Delors Institute propose a free online course : 9 short videos to grasp what is a genuine energy transition, how innovation is born and funded, meeting real-life innovators and see what Europe can do for them.
A course with three entrepreneurs in Energy innovation and four experts from the European Commission’s Think tank, from E3G, and from the Jacques Delors Institute.
[All videolectures in the course are subtitled in Italian.]
Tecnologia, Design e Ingegneria
Ore di Formazione5
Modalità CorsoAutoapprendimento
Durata3 Settimane
Stato del CorsoAuto apprendimento
Agenda del Corso
Avvio Iscrizioni
Apertura Corso
Chiusura Corso
Risultati Attesi
To understand the challenges of the EU innovation policies in the energy transition, the Jacques Delors Institute propose a free online course : 9 short videos to grasp what is a genuine energy transition, how innovation is born and funded, meeting real-life innovators and see what Europe can do for them.
Libri di testo e letture consigliate
Formato del corso
9 short videos along with documents to go a little bit more in depth. A final quiz based on the video material is at the participant's disposal for validation of the course.Regole per ottenere gli Attestati e sostenere gli Esami
Attestato di Partecipazione
You can earn Attendance Certificate by completing all the included video-lectures and the final test. Completion to the required grade (5/10) of the final quiz is required.