Towards the experimental chemistry: introduction to Chemistry Laboratory
About the Course
The online course will be a guide for a rational use of the Chemical Laboratory, useful to student/teacher to address both the intrinsic and extrinsic difficulties and the conceptual complexity, terminology and semantics related experimental approach for the study of Chemistry. The user will be able as well to face/make with greater autonomy, effectiveness and awareness of the main basic processes/ activities of a chemical laboratory. Various professors responsible for various on-line modules will produce a video, by using slides in slideshow mode and video shootings inside the laboratory.
Training hours24
Course ModeSelf Paced
Duration4 weeks
Course StatusSelf Pacement
Course Agenda
Enrollments Start
Course Opens
Course Closes
Learning outcomes
The student will develop knowledge about:
- some properties of chemical reagents
- the main chemical glassware
- the main cooling and heating techniques
- the main mixing and drying techniques
- the main purification techniques for solids and liquids
In addition, he will develop the following skills:
- The use of a chemical storage
- The process of purifying solvents and water
- The correct use of the main chemical glassware
- The cleaning of the glassware
- The correct measuring of the mass of a sample
- The correct measuring of the volume of fluids/ solutions
- The use of thermometers and heated baths
- The separation of homogenous and heterogenous mixtures
- The process of securing chemical devices
- The use of joints and taps
- The use of a laboratory log
Background and Requirements
The course is aimed at:
1) Secondary school students who approach the study of chemistry through an experimental approach.
2) Professors/Technical staff of secondary schools who intend to make use of the experimental chemical approach during their activity at school.
3) University students who in their curriculum have to deal with courses of Basic Chemistry in which the Laboratory module is present. The prerequisites, i.e. the previous knowledge necessary for a correct use of the contents, are: Unit of measurement; Chemical Nomenclature (traditional nomenclature is sufficient); Physical states of matter; Definition of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.
R. Morassi, G.P. Speroni, “Il Laboratorio Chimico”, ed. Piccin.