Sharing Memories and Dialogue at School (English Edition)
Introduzione al Corso
This course aims to promote new experiences of education and learning in
multicultural classrooms and groups. In particular, the course aims to
explain a methodology of facilitating communication with and among the
The course introduces a dialogic methodology of coordination in the
classroom, which can be applied to any group of children. The dialogic
methodology is combined with the competence in dealing with and
comparing visual materials (photographs). The training gives to the
participants the possibility to analyse and evaluate the results of both
a facilitative methodology and use of visual materials, and children’s
forms of participation and narratives.
Scienze Sociali
Ore di Formazione6
Modalità CorsoAutoapprendimento
Durata4 Settimane
Stato del CorsoAuto apprendimento
Agenda del Corso
Avvio Iscrizioni
Apertura Corso
Chiusura Corso
Risultati Attesi
The course is designed for teachers, educators, facilitator, and any other professional or volunteer working with children in educational settings.
Libri di testo e letture consigliate
Formato del corso
Regole per ottenere gli Attestati e sostenere gli Esami
Attestato di Partecipazione
Al completamento del corso