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Renzo Orsini, has received the Laurea degree in Computer Science (Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell'Informazione) from the University of Pisa, Italy in 1976. Currently he is professor of Databases and Information Systems at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics of University Ca’ Foscari Venice. Before the University of Venice, he has taught at the Universities of Pisa and Salerno. The activity was mainly concerned with courses on Databases and Information Systems, Programming Languages, Databases and the Web. He has also taken many courses at other institutions and organizations. He has published four books on databases and programming, the last one is: Fondamenti di Basi di Dati (Zanichelli 2005). His research areas include: - Models and Langauges for Databases; - Programming languages for databases; - Models of virtual museums on the Web; - Tools and languages for the exchange of data; - Data warehouse for spatio-temporal data; - Object oriented model and languages for the representation of complex annotated texts; - Programming languages for video games. He is one of the authors of the language Galileo, who has had many awards in academia (it's in the top 100 most cited scientific papers in the area of databases), and has been the basis of a commercial software. He has published his research on some of the most prestigious academic journals in the sector, including ACM Transactions of Database Systems and Very Large Databases Journal, and acts of major international conferences such as EDBT, VLDB. He directed the development of many software tools known and circulated abroad, and used for research and for teaching. He has participated in many research projects on databases and related topics at national and international level. He participated in the development of the website of the university of Venice and is a member of the editorial board. He has worked as a consultant for public and private companies, including: ACTV SpA, Venice Territorial Service, Regione del Veneto, Consiglio Regionale del Veneto.
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Introduction to computer science (2nd ed.)
- 12 Ore
- 17 Giu 2019
- 1 Dic 2019
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Introduction to computer science (3rd ed.)
- 12 Ore
- 15 Giu 2020
- 31 Ott 2020
Dettagli dell'utente
Attività di autenticazione
Primo accesso al sitovenerdì, 27 aprile 2018, 15:22 (6 anni 295 giorni)
Ultimo accesso al sitovenerdì, 27 aprile 2018, 15:22 (6 anni 295 giorni)
Indirizzo IP più recente2.34.193.132