- Mi Presento!
- Corsi in cui Insegno
Flaminia L. Luccio, has received the Laurea degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, Italy in 1993, the Master of Computer Science degree from Carleton University of Ottawa, Canada in 1995, and the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Milan, Italy in 1999. From September 1998 to October 2006 she was an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the Faculty of Science of the University of Trieste, Italy, and afterwards she moved to the University Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy where she is an associate professor since November 2009.
She was visiting for research purposes, Carleton University of Ottawa, Ottawa University and University of Montreal in Canada, and the École normale supérieure de Lyon and the Université Bordeaux 1 in France. Her research studies focus on the development and analysis of algorithms for distributed systems, on the study of security mechanisms with mobile agents, on models for "Security APIs" for bank PINs, and on the analysis of the security of RFID systems. She is author of many international journal papers and national and international reviewed conference papers in the field. She has participated to national research projects, she was program committee member of international conferences (Sirocco, ICTCS, Algosensor, Mobisec, FUN with algorithms, ecc.), and Technical Program Co-Chair of international conferences (Mobisec 2011, FUN with algorithms 2012 ecc. ), Special Session Co-Chair (of Mobisec'12, SAM'13,'14,'15), and she was in the organizing committee of some international conferences IEEE CSF, Sirocco, Mobisec, FUN, ecc.). Finally, she was a reviewer for different international conferences and journals (Graphs and Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, etc.), she is in the editorial board of the ISRN combinatorics journal.
She has been teaching bachelor, Master and PhD courses at the University of Trieste, Venice and Pisa.
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Introduction to computer science (2nd ed.)
- 12 Ore
- 17 Giu 2019
- 1 Dic 2019
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Introduction to computer science (3rd ed.)
- 12 Ore
- 15 Giu 2020
- 31 Ott 2020
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Introduction to computer science (4th ed.)
- 12 Ore
- 19 Lug 2021
- 31 Dic 2021
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Introduction to computer science (5th ed.)
- 12 Ore
- 22 Ago 2022
- 31 Dic 2022
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Introduction to computer science (6th ed.)
- 12 Ore
- 28 Ago 2023
- 31 Dic 2023
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Introduction to computer science (7th ed.)
- 12 Ore
- 26 Ago 2024
- 31 Dic 2024
Dettagli dell'utente
Flaminia LUCCIO
Attività di autenticazione
Primo accesso al sitovenerdì, 27 aprile 2018, 15:04 (6 anni 299 giorni)
Ultimo accesso al sitomercoledì, 29 gennaio 2025, 10:11 (20 giorni 4 ore)
Indirizzo IP più recente2.224.145.7