The Pathway consists of 2 different Courses: "International Economics: The Real Economy" and "International Economics: The Monetary Economy" and a course Capstone.
The Pathway aims at providing sound and specific tools for the analysis of international economics and explore the most up to date evidence on and interpretation of the current and most relevant phenomena of the international real economy and international monetary economy. Beyond these general goals we aim at presenting and analysing in a critical manner the position of our country, Italy, in the rapidly changing world economy.
The first course "International Economics: The Real Economy" focuses on the determinants and consequences of integration of good and factor markets.
The second course "International Economics: The Monetary Economy" focuses on the functioning of an international monetary system.
The course [CAPSTONE] ends the pathway International Economics and presents the final exam that consists of a multiple-choice quiz and a quiz with two short-answers.
The main value added of the pathway is having instructors whose research field overlaps with the topics that they will cover.