Università Iuav di Venezia

Santa Croce 191, Tolentini - 30135 Venezia

Born in 1926 as the Higher School of Architecture of Venice, Iuav is today a university with a strong experimental vocation: the first among Italian universities to introduce design laboratories, its didactic model combines theoretical training in the humanities with laboratory work oriented towards making and experimentation, coordinated by architects, artists and designers. 

Iuav remains a point of reference for Italian and international architectural and urban planning culture also thanks to its history that has seen the presence of great designers (Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Carlo Scarpa, Carlo Aymonino, Vittorio Gregotti, Aldo Rossi, Tadao Ando among others). But the specificity of the Iuav School has also established itself in the areas of Design, Fashion, Theater and the Arts with unique educational offerings in the national university scene in terms of teaching methodologies and placement levels. 

Iuav inaugurated the first doctorate in design subjects in Italy and opened new strands of research and training: history of architecture, study of urban policies, restoration, design, artistic research in the fields of visual and performing arts and cinema. 

With its research projects, Iuav has led the way in studies on sustainability, climate change and ecological transition, design for reconstruction in territories affected by wars or catastrophic events. 

Today the university stands as a center of innovative and anticipatory planning and research, in a city like Venice that is a laboratory of culture and a new model of urban sustainability.

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