EDUOPEN: Dashboard
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Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
Viale dell'Università - Rettorato - (Campus Universitario) Loc. Folcara - 03043 CASSINO (FR), Centralino 0776 2991- Portineria Rettorato 07762993209 - Fax 0776 310562
Founded in 1979 and ranked among the 3 small universities in Italy according to the CENSIS research institute, Cassino University is an important educational center in Latium, joining and intersecting the Latium, Campania, Molise and Abruzzi regions. Teaching and research are articulated in 5 departments: Economics and Law, Civic and Mechanic Engineering; Electrical and Information Engineering; Humanities; Human, Social and Health Sciences. Students can choose between 12 BA degrees, 22 MA degrees (5 taught in English and 9 joint degrees with foreign universities such as the Tandon School of Engineering New York University). Moreover, Cassino University offers 7 PhD courses and various I and II level Master courses, Summers schools, and modules aimed at school teachers for teaching qualification. The following centers are an essential support for teaching, research and third mission:
- The Ufficio internazionalizzazione: one of the key words for Cassino University, which makes it a real international education center, among the first ones in Italy.
- The Centro Universitario per l’Orientamento – CUORI which informs, supports and offers consulting for incoming and in itinere students.
- The Centro di Ateneo per i Servizi Informatici – CASI: with its several online services available for Cassino University and for the local area (one among all, Education Roaming).
- The SCIRE - Diffusione della Cultura e della Conoscenza with its Third Mission activities, which create interaction processes with local authorities for the development of the territory.
- The Centro Universitario per la Disabilità, l'Inclusione e la Ricerca – CUDIR, which facilitates university life for disabled students.
- The Settore Ricerca which supports project management and fund raising; monitors and enhances research in other departments.
- The Ufficio Job Placement e Trasferimento Tecnologico which promotes professional success students and new graduates’s self-realization.
- The Centro Editoriale di Ateneo – CEA which meets the demands to publish and spread internal as well as national and international research goals.
- The Sistema Bibliotecario d’Ateneo - SBA which supports all study and research activities, which coordinates the three university libraries, and organizes and promotes functioning and development.