The golden ages of Japanese cinema (7th ed.)

This course offers a specific knowledge of the history of Japanese cinema through its main authors' profiles and the political, historical, and artistic intersections with their works. Furthermore, this course aims to deepen some of the peculiarities of the main Japanese film genres which now represent a strong point of reference in the international cinema history.
Crossing the four major seasons of artistic production of Japanese cinema, it will be possible to overview the dynamics of its entire history and meet the work of some of the protagonists of this world.

Attendance and Credentials

Attendance Certificate


Arts and Humanities

Training hours




Course Mode

Self Paced




4 weeks



Course Status


Enrollments Start

Jan 21, 2024

Course Opens

Feb 5, 2024

Course Closed

May 31, 2024
  • to know the history of Japanese cinema through its main authors' profiles and the political, historical, and artistic intersections with their works;
  • to know the peculiarities of the main Japanese film genres which now represent a strong point of reference in the international cinema history.  

Personal motivation is the only requirement.
Maria Roberta Novielli, Storia del cinema giapponese, Venezia, Marsilio, 2001.
Maria Roberta Novielli, Metamorfosi – Schegge di violenza nel nuovo cinema giapponese, Epika, 2010.
The course is divided into 4 Sections that include videolectures, forums and assessment tests.
L' Attestato di Partecipazione è rilasciato dopo aver visionato tutte le videolezioni e risposto correttamente ad almeno 4 domande su 6 di ciascun test (il test prevede due tentativi di risposta).