Mathematics pre-course

This course presents the basic mathematics topics, which are necessary in order to fruitfully follow the Mathematics and Mathematical Analysis courses which are common to all scientific Bachelor courses (e.g., Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Biological Sciences, Biotechnologies, …).

First, the basic algebraic operations on polynomials and the first notions of analytic geometry in the plane are reviewed, including, among other things, the equations of lines, parabolas, circumferences, ellipses, and hyperbolas.
The  concept of function in the abstract is then introduced and the fundamental functions that are used in Mathematical Analysis are presented: in addition to polynomial functions, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions are defined and illustrated.
Finally, the methodologies that allow solving equations and inequalities, both single and in systems, involving all the functions covered in the course are addressed.

Asistencia y Certificados

Cuota de Asistencia
Costo del Certificado de Participación



Horas de Entrenamiento




Metodos de Curso





3 Semana



Estado del Curso


Iniciar Suscripciones

ago 5, 2021

Apertura del Curso

ago 20, 2021

Cierra Curso

No establecido
The expected learning outcomes are: 

  • Mastering algebraic manipulations of polynomials. 
  • Understanding the concept of function; knowing the main examples of functions (polynomials, trigonometric, exponentials and logarithms) and their properties. 
  • Knowing and being able to represent the main elements of plane geometry: line, parabol, circle, ellipse and hyperbole. 
  • Solving equations and inequalities involving first and second degree polynomials, trigonometric functions, exponentials and logarithms.

This course is directed at high school students who intend to enroll (or have already enrolled) in a science-based degree program. No prerequisites are required to take advantage of the course content.

  • Precalculus. J. Abramson. 12th Media Services, 2016
  • Matematica Zero - Per i precorsi e i test d’ingresso a Ingegneria e Scienze. F. G. Alessio, C. de Fabritiis, C. Marcelli e P. Montecchiari. Pearson, 2016 

This course is made by video lessons, where the teachers illustrate the theory, with the aid of many examples and simple exercises. The teachers also provide notes for every lesson (in pdf format) and several exercises, which can be used by the students to assess their level of understanding.

A certificate of attendance is issued after passing the final online test (multiple choice, true/false questions).