Organization of the services for identification, validation and certification of competences (6th ed.)

Part of the

Pathway in Competences Certification (6th ed.)

This course is the fifth of the Pathway about Identification of prior experiential learning to validate and certificate competences and illustrates the legislation and the organizing procedures of the process to validate and certificate competences in different educational contexts: vocational training, School, University, lifelong learning. It is organized into four learning units each developing into three video lessons on the following subjects, dealt by particularly knowledgeable teachers:
  • Ministry of Labour, Regions and building of the National Qualification Framework (dott.ssa Emanuela Perulli, ISFOL – Higher institute for training at work, dott. Riccardo Mazzarella, ISFOL; dott.ssa Fabrizia Monti, State - Regions Conference); 
  • Recognition of prior education in the adult education system: (dott. Emilio Porcaro, dott. Orazio Colosio, Executives of the Italian Network for adult education – CPIA of Bologna); 
  • Acquired competences inside labour contexts and the role of employers’ and trade-unions organizations for their identification (dott. Claudio Gentili, Confindustria Education; Prof. Paolo Di Rienzo, CISL Roma tre; dott.ssa Tiziana Baracchi, Fondartigianato); 
  • Validation of credits (ECTS) at University for prior learning (Prof. Aldo Cocozza, University of Roma Tre; dott.ssa Sonia Startari, University of Genoa; dott.ssa Sabrina Maniero, University of Padua).

Attendance and Credentials

Attendance Certificate
Verified Certificate
EUR 50


Social Science

Training hours




Course Mode

Self Paced




4 weeks



Course Status


Enrollments Start

May 12, 2020

Course Opens

May 27, 2020

Course Closed

Oct 27, 2020
Topics proposed in this fifth MOOC (with reference to the Italian situation) relate to a learning pathway, connecting declarative and procedural knowledge proposed in the four units, and specifically:
  • Support for recognition of competencies, evaluation activities planning, including job specific competencies, national framework for regional job qualifications and role of the Ministry of Labor; services and technical requirements in the competencies recognition, evaluation and certification processes
  • Organization of Centri Provinciali di Istruzione degli Adulti, Provincial centers for Adult Education, for recognition of prior learning within adults’evening courses
  • Political guidelines, projects and experiences of recognition and development of competencies within the labour market
  • Research, ESF projects and experiences of recognition of prior learning as university credits, within degree programmes.
No prerequisites.
Basic bibliography and additional texts are listed within the course units.
Videolectures, bibliographical references and participants’ forums.
An attendance certificate shall be delivered (free of charge) to all participants that shall successfully complete self assessment questionnaires proposed within the courses.