Albrecht Dürer in Italy (2nd ed.)

The course aims to introduce to the knowledge of the most important artist of the German Renaissance, in his documented relationships with Italy. Furthermore, the course will provide methodological tools to comprehend the impact of various artistic traditions within a different cultural context.

Attendance and Credentials

Attendance Certificate


Arts and Humanities

Training hours




Course Mode





5 weeks



Course Status


Enrollments Start

Sep 24, 2019

Course Opens

Oct 14, 2019

Tutoring Starts

Oct 14, 2019

Tutoring Stops

Nov 4, 2019

Soft Tutoring

Nov 5, 2019

Course Closed

Dec 31, 2019
  • to know terminology of the discipline; 
  • to know main artists' poetic and works of art; 
  • to know how to use a precise terminology; 
  • to know how to use an appropriate and specific terminology.

Personal motivation is the only requirement.


M. Mende, Dürer-Bibliographie, Wiesbaden 1971.

J. C. Hutchison, Albrecht Dürer: A Guide to Research, New York 2000.


J. C. Hutchison, Albrecht Dürer: A Biography, Princeton 1990.

E. Rebel, Albrecht Dürer: Maler und Humanist, München 1996.

Mostre/monografie/studi generali a carattere storico artistico

M. Thausing, Albrecht Dürer: Geschichte seines Lebens und seiner Kunst, 2 voll., Leipzig 1884.

H. Wölfflin, Die Kunst Albrecht Dürer, München 1926 (ed. it. Roma 1987).

E. Panofsky, The Life and Art of Albrecht Dürer, Princeton 1943, 1955 (ed. it. Milano 1967).

Albrecht Dürer 1471-1971, catalogo della mostra (Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum), München, Prestel, 1971.

The Essential Dürer, a cura di L. Silver e J.C. Smith, Philadelphia 2010.

J. C. Smith, Dürer, London 2012.

Der frühe Dürer, catalogo della mostra a cura di D. Hess e T. Eser (Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum), Nürnberg, Verlag des Germanischen Nationalmuseum, 2012.

Catalogs / drawings

F. Winkler, Die Zeichnungen Albrecht Dürers, 4 voll., Berlin 1936-1939.

W. L. Strauss, The Complete Drawings of Albrecht Dürer, 6 voll., New York 1974.

Work in print

Albrecht Dürer. Das druckgraphische Werk, a cura di R. Schoch, M. Mende, A. Scherbaum, 3 voll., München, 2001-2004 (con riferimento ai cataloghi/repertori precedenti).

In italiano: G. M. Fara, Albrecht Dürer. Originali, copie, derivazioni, Firenze, Olschki, 2007 (“Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi. Inventario generale delle stampe 1”).


F. Anzelewsky, Albrecht Dürer. Das malerische Werk, 2 voll., Berlin 1991. 


Dürer. Schriftlicher Nachlaß, a cura di H. Rupprich, 3 voll., Berlin 1956-1969.

G.M. Fara, Albrecht Dürer teorico dell’architettura, Firenze 1999.

G.M. Fara, Albrecht Dürer. Lettere da Venezia, Milano 2007.

A. Dürer, Vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion. Quattro libri sulle proporzioni umane. Introduzione, testo e traduzione a cura di G. M. Feo, Bologna 2007.

A. Dürer, Institutiones geometricae, C. Bartoli, I Geometrici Elementi di Alberto Durero. Edizione, saggio introduttivo e note a cura di G. M. Fara, Torino 2008.

The course is divided into 5 Sections that include videolectures, forums and assessment tests.
You can earn Attendance Certificate and Open badge by completing all the included video-lessons and the final tests of each section, answering correctly to minimum 70% of questions.