Egyptology II (writing culture) (2nd ed.)
About the Course
The course aims to present an introduction to the writing’s culture in the pharaonic civilization (forms of writing, evolution of the language, relations of Egypt with other writings). Part of the course is dedicated to the forms of the writing and its connection with the text, focusing the nature of the hieroglyphs.The course also introduces to the ancient Egyptian literature and its topics (genders, main features, and the tradition of texts).
Arts and Humanities
Training hours12
Course ModeTutored
Duration7 weeks
Course StatusArchived
Course Agenda
Enrollments Start
Course Opens
Tutoring Starts
Tutoring Stops
Soft Tutoring
Course Closed
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student of Egittologia II will acquire basic skills in writing culture of the pharaonic Egypt. These skills are part of the curriculum of “Archeologia”, specifically Ancient Near East, and are connected with the disciplines of the Ancient Near East and the ancient Mediterranean.Background and Requirements
Attendance at the course of "Egyptology I" is recommended.Textbooks
Roccati, Introduzione allo studio dell'Egiziano.
Allen, Middle Egyptian.
Ciampini, La lingua dell’antico Egitto.
Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, voll. I-III (Parti).
Course Format
The course is structured in 7 didactic units that include video lectures, forums and assessment tests.Certificates and Exam rules
Attendance Certificate
You can earn Attendance Certificate and Open badge by completing all the included video-lessons and the final tests of each section, answering correctly to minimum 70% of questions.Credits
Gli studenti iscritti al corso di laurea triennale in Conservazione e gestione dei beni e delle attività culturali dell'Università Ca' Foscari Venezia che seguono il corso di Egittologia II (Lingua Medio Egiziana), dopo aver sostenuto l'esame di Egittologia I (codice FT0054, 12 CFU, I parte; codice FT0055, 6 CFU) possono contattare il prof. Ciampini [] allegando l'attestato di partecipazione al fine di sostenere l'esame orale.